Southern Kaduna: 518 killed, 18 villages razed in 6yrs

The residents of Southern Kaduna have again expressed their profound concern over the ongoing attacks and deaths in Atyapland in Kaduna State’s Zangon Kataff Local Government Area under the auspices of the Atyap Community Development Association, or ACDA.

In addition, they criticized the most recent security report delivered by the local sector commander of Operation Safe Haven.

Samuel Achi, the president of ACDA, claimed during a briefing in Samaru Kataf yesterday that the ongoing attacks on his people had resulted in the deaths of numerous kinmen and women, and that even children had not been spared by the alleged murderous herdsmen.

He said: “It is with regret that we are addressing Nigerians and the international community at large, on the persistent and recurring attacks and killings in some communities of Atyapland in Zangon Kataf Local Government of Kaduna State by suspected armed Fulani herdsmen, who have enjoyed decades of peaceful coexistence with our communities but have now set out on a mission to displace these communities and take over our lands.

“It is regrettable to state for the records that defenceless communities in Atyapland have been suffering selective killings since 2017, before the sustained attacks by suspected armed Fulani herdsmen in 2020.

”Recently, Atyapland has dominated the headlines for the wrong reasons, following renewed attacks in Ungwan Wakili, Lagson, Atakjei and Runji, where 70 people have been killed, including a five-year-old boy, who was beheaded.

”At the last count, 20 villages have been ransacked, 18 villages burnt down, while 518 people have been killed, with thousands of victims who have taken refuge across many communities from 2017 till date.
“The military personnel drafted to provide security in the area are not helping matters. Instead of performing their primary assignment of securing the lives and property of the communities, they are selective by taking sides with the suspected herdsmen.

”This is evident in the 2023 first quarter security report presented to the Kaduna State government by the Sector Commander, Operation Safe Haven in Southern Kaduna, Brigadier General Timothy Opurum, on the recent killings in Atyap land.

“In his doctored submission, the sector commander gave an unbalanced, lopsided report and was very economical with facts which prompted the governor to note with concern the continued failure of the traditional and community leaders in Zangon Kataf chiefdom to prevent the mayhem and resort to self-help by recalcitrant youths.

“For the avoidance of doubt and to put things in proper perspectives, we hereby straighten the records on some of the issues he raised.

”The Sector Commander, Brig Gen. Opurum, deliberately failed, neglected and refused to highlight the contributions of the traditional council in Atyap land towards maintaining peace in the chiefdom, which facts are known to him and other security agencies in the area.

”The report did not convey the positive role played so far by the traditional council and other community leaders in checkmating the conflicts.”

“These contributions include visiting all homes of victims of attacks and killings in Atyap land, sponsoring conferences, workshops on peaceful co-existence for Atyap, Hausa and Fulani youth, women and security operatives in Atyap land with the Kaduna State Commissioner for Internal Security and Home Affairs, international and national peace advocates like Dr Salim Musa, Barr. Pricilla Ankut to mention but a few, is in full attendance.

”Others include co-operation with Kaduna State Peace Commission on several peace advocacy missions to Atyap, Hausa and Fulani youth and women groups in Atyap land, ensuring the permanent removal of all roadblocks by youth in Atyap land; the setting up and funding of the Atyap Chiefdom Peace, Security and Partnership Committee made up of Atyap, Hausa and Fulani youth and women; provision of logistic and human support to operatives of Operation Safe Havens, Police and State Security Service etc.

“In fact, the governor of Kaduna State had on many occasions, commended the Agwatyap for these bold and practical actions towards maintaining peace in Atyap land. We were taken aback when we heard his comment after the sector commander’s report.

“Brig. Gen. Opurum deliberately refused to see and state the known facts that the influx of many dangerous lawless suspected Fulani terrorists into Zangon Kataf Urban Hausa settlement and their attendant criminal activities in the last three years is responsible for the brutal attacks on mostly innocent and defenceless women and children in Atyap villages.

“It is a known fact among security agencies in our Atyap land that most attacks on our villages and people are planned and coordinated by these suspected Fulani terrorists in Zangon Kataf Urban Hausa settlement.”


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