Elon Musk to launch TruthGPT, claims Microsoft trains ChatGPT to lie

Twitter CEO Elon Musk has announced his intention to launch an artificial intelligence company, TruthGPT, to rival Microsoft-owned ChatGPT.


“I’m going to start something which is called TruthGPT, or an absolute truth-seeking AI that tries to understand the nature of the universe,” Mr Musk said in a Fox News interview whose excerpts aired on Monday.

In addition, he charged that Microsoft-backed ChatGPT “trained the AI to lie.”

Though he emphasized that his safety concerns would be properly taken into account when developing TruthGPT, Mr. Musk believes AI has the ability to bring an end to civilisation.

“I think this might be the best path to safety, in the sense that an AI that cares about understanding the universe. It is unlikely to annihilate humans because we are an interesting part of the universe.”

Since his departure from the firm in 2018, Mr. Musk, a cofounder of Open AI in 2015, has become a fervent critic of the software.

The billionaire claimed last month that he did not want OpenAI to produce a more potent version than its recently published GPT-4 and joined more than 1,000 others in asking for a six-month halt to advanced AI development.

“AI is more dangerous than, say, mismanaged aircraft design or production maintenance or bad car production,” he warned in the interview with Fox News.

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